Standing Gentleman Whirligig
With Top Hat, Green Tail Coat and Yellow Sash
Hand Carved and Painted Wood and Metal
Northern European c. 1880
28” high x 6.25” wide x 3” deep
Ref: 26/14
In wonderful dry original weathered condition, this primitive Figure Form Whirligig has engaging sculptural qualities. The small upright top hat is set with a circular metal rim above the stylised carved facial details and handsome moustache. The faded green painted tailed tunic with bright yellow sash and cuffs to simulate gold details, above white painted trousers and black boots. The paddle arms are constructed from sheet ferrous metal which have developed a richly weathered and patinated textural surface. Probably made for a small folly or boat shed, it is of delightful scale this work exemplifies the raw unpretentious qualities of genuine antique folk art.
Collections: Archive