Significant Puritan Chair
Significant Puritan Chair
With Enclosed Panel Sides and Panel Back
Massive Sculptural Single Plank Arms
Turned and Joined Oak
Branded with Initials 'NK'
England c. 1650
44.5” high x 30” wide x 23” deep
Provenance: The Clive Sherwood Collection; English Private Collection, London.
Condition: This rare example has massive sculptural thick single board arms with a “crooked” shape reminiscent of the C16th Caqueteuse Armchairs, which enclose the enclosed panel sides. Of beguilingly restrained architectural form, the present chair is a unique form in untouched original condition.
Ref: 43625
Literature: Victor Chinnery, Oak Furniture, The British Tradition, ACC, Woodbridge 1979, page 243, Fig. 3:23 and page 453, Fig 4:74. Tobias Jellineck, Early British Chairs and Seats 1500-1700. Page 42, Plate 12
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