Prize Sow and Piglets
Prize Sow and Piglets
English Naive School
Watercolour on Paper in Original
Gilt Frame
Signed ”C Ives” and Dated ”1827”
English c. 1827
12 ¼” high x 14 ¼” wide
It is rare to find Prize Livestock pictures in watercolour rather than oils, but this delightful drawing, depicting a satisfied looking prize breeding sow with her piglets is a charming exception. Signed and dated, the Sow is standing four square outside her sty, with her red coated breeder looking on from the other side of a fence. Quintessentially primitive and from the heart of the British Prize Livestock Naive Painting tradition, the work is in generally fine overall condition. It is shown in the probably original period gilt wood frame, has good definition and an appealing palette. A delightful work of British Naive Art.
Ref: 6625
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