Three Original Articulated Artist's Mannequins or "Lay" Figures
Three Original Articulated Artist's Mannequins or "Lay" Figures
Three Original Articulated Artist's Mannequins or "Lay" Figures
With Sculptural Details of Restrained Minimalist Form
Hand Carved Solid Walnut
Northern European, c.1900
Left - 17” high x 4 ½” wide x 2 ½” deep
Middle - 13 ½” high x 3 ½” wide x 2” deep
Right - 13 ½” high x 3 ½” wide x 2” deep
A group of three hand carved and fully articulated working artists mannequins of ball joint construction. These stylised figures were used by artists as references to describe the proportions of the human form and to hold specific poses and postures. Individually hand carved, each somehow has its own character enhanced by handling, use and the patination developed to the timber surfaces. These examples, dating from the beginning of the C20th, benefit from a reductive modernist aesthetic and sculpture. All benefit from excellent form and well drawn lines and the female form figure on the right, with stylised breasts is particularly unusual. All three are in fine original condition and have genuine old surface colour and texture.
Ref: 6306
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